
11 Biology Digestion and Absorption - Set No : 10 Question No :5

Question No : 5
               When breast feeding is replaced by less nutritive food low in proteins and calories; the infants below the age of one year are likely to suffer from     

                a)          Marasmus          b)          Rickets     

                c)          Kwashiorkor          d)          Pellagra     

Answer No : 5
     (a)Prolonged starvation causes marasmus due to a generalized wasting of body because of both energy and protein deficiency. The body becomes lean and weak, eyes depressed and skin wrinkled.Kwashiorkor is a disease caused by continued deficiency of proteins in diet although energy intake may be adequate.Rickets (in children) occurs due to deficiency of vitamin-D.Pellagra occurs due to deficiency of nicotinamide (vitamin-).      
