
11 Biology Digestion and Absorption - Set No : 22 Question No :7

Question No : 7
               During prolonged hunger strike, what is the correct chronological sequence of ending the food stuff?     

                a)          Protein-fat-carbohydrate          b)          Carbohydrate-protein-fat     

                c)          Fat-proteins-carbohydrate          d)          Carbohydrate-fat-proteins     

Answer No : 7
     (d)During prolonged hunger strike or starvation of food the reserve food (carbohydrates) is used up first by the body. Fats are used as second source of energy after carbohydrates. At last, when both carbohydrates and fats are used completely, proteins are used as a source of energy. Proteins are used at last because they are the main structural components of body     
