
12 Biology Biotechnology and its Applications - Set No : 12 Question No :7

Question No : 7
               Natural genetic engineer is     

                a)          Bacillus subtilis          b)          Pseudomonas sp     

                c)          Escherichia coli          d)          Agrobacterium tumefaciens      

Answer No : 7
     (d)In genetic engineering, a desired part of DNA is taken and then inserted into another suitable organism for their expression.  Thus, genetic engineering is an artificial process.  But in nature, Agrobacterium tumefaciens (a bacterium) does this process normally.  This bacterium has a plasmid, which contains a 23 base pair direct repeat sequences, called as T-DNA.  This T-DNA has the ability to transfer itself from A. tumefaciens to an infected plant chromosome.     
