
12 Biology Organisms and Populations - Set No : 13 Question No :1

Question No : 1
               Population interactionsOrganism A   Organism B   Name of interaction+                       +                    Mutualism                                          A+                                          Predation+                                            B+                        0                   Commensalism                       0                     C‘+’ sign for beneficial interaction‘’ sign for harmful (detrimental) interaction‘0’ sing for neutral interactionFind out what could be  and      

                a)          A-Amensalism, B-Parasitism, C-Competition          b)          A-Competition, B-Parasitism, C-Amensalism     

                c)          A-Competition, B-Amensalism, C-Parasitism          d)          A-Amensalism, B-Competition, C-Competition     

Answer No : 1
     (b)Both the species benefit in mutualism and both lose in competition in their interaction with each other.In both parasitism and predation only one species benefits (parasite and predator) and the interaction where one species is benefitted and other is neither benefitted nor harmed is called commensalism. In ammensalism one species is harmed, whereas other is unaffected     
