
12 Biology Organisms and Populations - Set No : 3 Question No :1

Question No : 1
               A population growing in a habitat with limited resources shows four phases of growth in the following sequence     

                a)          Acceleration-Deceleration -Lag phase-Asymptote          b)          Asymptote- Acceleration-Deceleration -Lag phase     

                c)          Lag phase- Acceleration-Deceleration- Asymptote          d)          Acceleration- Lag phase- Deceleration- Asymptote     

Answer No : 1
     (c)When a population is growing in a limited resource, the population growth consists of five phases.(i)Lag phases No or very little growth.(ii)Accelerantial Growth in the beginning.(iii)Exponential phase Number of individual increases at an logarithmic rate.(iv)Deceleration phase Rate of population increase slow down.(v)Stationary phase Essentially no net change.     
