
12 Biology Organisms and Populations - Set No : 31 Question No :1

Question No : 1
               Halophytes are     

                a)          Fire-resistant          b)          Cold-resistant     

                c)          Salt-resistant          d)          Sand-loving     

Answer No : 1
     (c)Warming divided plants, on the basis of soil in which they are found, into the following groups.(i) Halophytes plants growing in saline soil, i.e. these plants are salt resistant.(ii) Psammophytes plants growing on sand, i.e., these are adapted to grow into sandy           soil. Thus, these are also known as sand loving plants.(iii)Oxalophytes plants growing in acidic soil.(iv)Lithophytes plants growing on the surface of rocks.(v) Chasmophytes plants growing in the crevices of rocks.     
