
12 Biology Organisms and Populations - Set No : 32 Question No :10

Question No : 10
               During the course of million of years of their existence most species should have evolved a relatively …A… internal environment (within the body of organisms). This internal environment would permit all biochemical reactions and physiological functions to proceed with …B… efficiency and therefore, increase the overall fitness of the speciesThe ability of an organism to keep the internal environment constant despite drastic changes in external conditions is called …C…Choose the correct option for A, B and C     

                a)          A-constant, B-mineral, C-thermoregulation          b)          A-constant, B-maximal, C-homeostasis     

                c)          A-variable, B-mineral, C-osmoregulation          d)          A-constant, B-versatile, C-homeostasis     

Answer No : 10
     (b)A-Constant, B-Maximal, C-Homoeostasis     
