
12 Biology Organisms and Populations - Set No : 12 Question No :2

Question No : 2
               Resource partitioning includes     

                a)          Temporal partitioning          b)          Spatial partitioning     

                c)          Morphological partitioning          d)          All of the above     

Answer No : 2
     (d)Gause’s exclusion principle does not always leads to the species exclusion. The competiting species may co-exist due to different partitioning like temporal portioning, spatial partitioning, morphological patitioning.Darwin found fourteen species of finches to co-exist in Galapagos islands due to development of different feeding habits. Similarly, in Serengeti plains over 20 species of antelopes graze in the same area. Several plants can grow together by sending their roots to various lengths. Therefore, competition does not always result in extinction of species but causes development of larger number of niches     
