
12 Biology Organisms and Populations - Set No : 19 Question No :2

Question No : 2
               I. Salmon    II. Shark     III. Sting rayWhich of them is/are stenohaline and euryhaline?Stenohaline   Euryhaline     

                a)          I, III                      II          b)          I, II                       III     

                c)          II, III                    I          d)          I                            II, III     

Answer No : 2
     (c)Stenohaline (shark and string rays) and euryhaline (salmon).Some organisms are tolerant to wide range of salinities called euryhaline,  salmon fish but others are restricted to narrow range called stenohaline like shark and string rays. Many freshwater animals cannot live for long in sea water and vice-versa because of the osmotic problems they would face     
