
12 Biology Organisms and Populations - Set No : 10 Question No :4

Question No : 4
               I. The human liverfluke, a nematode parasite, depends on two intermediate hosts (snail and pig) to complete its life cycleII. The malaria parasite needs a vector (mosquito) to spread to other hostsIII. The female mosquito is not considered parasite, however it needs our blood for reproductionIV. In case of brood parasitism, the eggs of parasitic birds (cuckoo) are not detected and ejected from the nest because of parasite’s eggs resemble the hosts eggs in morphology and colourV. A population of frogs protected from all predators would increase indefinitely.Which statements are correct?     

                a)          I and II          b)          II and III     

                c)          III, IV and V          d)          I, II, III and IV     

Answer No : 4
     (d)A population of frog protected from all predator would not increase indefinitely because nature’s resources are limited. Beyond a carrying capacity the population would not increase because it is the maximum number of population which can be sustained by the habitat     
