
12 Biology Organisms and Populations - Set No : 20 Question No :6

Question No : 6
               Which of the following is inappropriately defined?I. Host is an organism which provides only food, shelter to another organismII. Amensalism is a relationship in which one species is benefitted, whereas the other is unaffectedIII. Predator is an organism that catches and kills other organism for food of same speciesIV. Parasite is an organism which always lives inside the body of other organism and may kill itSelect the correct option     

                a)          I and II          b)          III and IV     

                c)          I, II, III and IV          d)          I, III and IV     

Answer No : 6
     (b)Predation It is an interaction between members of two species in which member of one species capture, kill and eat up the members of other species. The former are called predators, while latter we spoken as preysParasitism It is a relationship between two living organisms of different species in which organism called parasite obtains its food directly from another living organism called host. The parasite is similar as compared to its host. It spends a part of whole of its life on or in the body of the host     
