
12 Biology Organisms and Populations - Set No : 32 Question No :6

Question No : 6
               In laboratory experiments, two species of the protest  were grown alone and in the presence of the other species. The following graphs show growth of species 1 (left) and species 2 (right), both alone and when in mixed cultureInterpretation of these graphs shows that     

                a)          Competitive exclusion occurred in these experiments          b)          Both species are affected by interspecific competition but species 1 is affected less     

                c)          Both species are affected by interspecific competition but species 2 is affected less          d)          Both species are affected equally by interspecific competition     

Answer No : 6
     (c)As we can see from graph 1 that there is more gap between lines of species 1 and 2 than the graph 2. So it is clearly interference out that both species are affected by interspecific competition but species two is less affected     
