
12 Biology Organisms and Populations - Set No : 20 Question No :7

Question No : 7
               American lakes visiting flamingoes and resident fishes compete for their common food …A… in the lake resources …B… limiting for competition to occur; in interference competition, the feeding efficiency of one species might be …C… due to the interfering and inhibitory presence of the other species, even if resources (food and space) are abundantChoose the correct option for A, B and C     

                a)          A-zooplankton, B-need to be, C-increased          b)          A-zooplankton, B-need not be, C-reduced     

                c)          A-phytoplankton, B-need to be, C-rReduced          d)          A-phytoplankton, B-need to be, C-increased     

Answer No : 7
     (b)A-Zooplankton, B-Need not be, C-Reduced     
