
12 Biology Organisms and Populations - Set No : 25 Question No :9

Question No : 9
               Which of the following statements regarding species interdependence are true?I. An Association of two species where one is benefitted and other remains unaffected     is called mutualism.II. An interspecific association where both partners derive benefit from each other is        called commensalism.III. A direct food relation between two species of animals in which one animal kills and       feeds on another is referred as predation.IV. A relationship between two species of organisms where both are partners are        benefitted from each other is called symbiosis.     

                a)          I and II only          b)          III and IV only     

                c)          I and III only          d)          II and III only     

Answer No : 9
     (b)Predation is a direct food relation between two species of animals, in which one animal (the predator) captures and feeds on another (the prey).In symbiosis, two organisms live together in close physical association from which one or both derive benefit.     
